Soft Cover Yearbooks

Soft Cover Yearbooks

Softcover Yearbook is the most common binding for a Yearbook. What makes our binding different is that we sew the pages before the covers are glued on. Have you had a yearbook that has fallen apart or you can’t open the book flat, and the pictures in the middle of the book are covered? This is because the book is just glued. A sewn book opens flat and will never fall apart this book will last a lifetime.

We also do special effects & add-ons such as:

Laminated Covers, Spot UV, Embossing, Die Cut Covers, Multi-Colour Foiling, Year 12 Group Photo Fold Outs 4 page or 6 page.

School Yearbook Gallery

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Creating a Publication

To create great looking publication, we have a team of dedicated people and resources available to assist you.

Our resources available include:

• Full Design Studio
• "Tips and Tricks" to creating a great school year book

Our Location

Located in Sydney, Printciple Source is one of the leading school book printing companies in Australia.

Shop 4A/90 Tennyson Rd
Mortlake NSW 2137
Email: Tel: 02 9643 8883

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